Saturday, August 13, 2011

Exploded Oatmeal Red Pepper Muffins

I was thinking about Lisa Lillian’s recipe for doubling the volume of her oatmeal by adding twice as much liquid and cooking it twice as long. I thought that if I had two times the normal amount of oatmeal in the bowl, I might be tempted to add twice as much fruit and sugar. I was also thinking about those garlic biscuits at Red Lobster. Each biscuit is 8 grams of fat and 16 grams of carbs... terrible stats for something so small, of which I would never eat just one. So I decided to explode my oatmeal (1/2 cup of oats, 2 cups of water, and 4 minutes in the microwave) & used it to make my own biscuits, roughly based on a combo of 3 recipes: ginormous oatmeal, baked oatmeal, and red pepper biscuits.

• 2 cups cooked oatmeal
• 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
• 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
• 1 teaspoon garlic
• 3/4 cup Fage Total 0 Greek yogurt
• 1 grated Babybel light cheese wheel

Because the mixture just seemed a bit messy, I used a 12-hole muffin tin instead of a cookie sheet, and put 1/4 cup of the mix into each hole. That was when they became muffins instead of biscuits. I also sprinkled a pinch of garlic salt on the top of each one. I baked the muffins for 40 minutes at 350 degrees (turning half way through because I think my oven is crooked). I let them cool for 10 minutes.

The muffins were disgusting. I threw them away & ate plain yogurt instead.


  1. Quel Dissapointment! Try these savory muffins.

  2. That sounds way too good. I wonder if I can substitute soy-bacon bits for bacon & fat-free yogurt for buttermilk. Ha!
